Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
June 20, 2022
I |
Call to Order Recognitions and Achievements 2022-63 Major gift and naming opportunity with University Federal Credit Union (UFCU) [Dr. Molly Beth Malcolm]
II |
Citizens Communication for Items on the Agenda Citizens Communication for Items Not on the Agenda
Discussion/Possible Action 2022-75 FY 2023 Budget Study[Mr.Neil Vickers]
IV |
Reports from College Sanctioned Associations and their Representatives Adjunct Faculty Association [Mr. Don Morris] Full-Time Faculty Senate [Dr. Samantha Croft] Association of Professional-Technical Employees [Dr. Samantha Ackers]
V |
Chancellor’s Remarks and Updates [Dr. Richard Rhodes]
VI |
Approval of Minutes 2022-64 Minutes of the April 4, 2022 and May 9, 2022 Regular Meetings, and the June 3, 2022 Special Meeting of the ACC Board of Trustees
Consent Items 2022-65 Authorize the Negotiation and Execution of a Contract for Childcare Lab Playground Remodel at the ACC Eastview Campus [Mr. Neil Vickers] 2022-66 Authorize the Negotiation and Execution ofContracts for the Architectural Design ServicesDistrict-Wide Indefinite Delivery-IndefiniteQuantity (IDIQ) for Austin Community College District’s (ACC’s) Construction Projects [Mr. Neil Vickers] 2022-67 Authorize the Negotiation and Execution of a Contract for the Stormwater Detention Pond Remediation Project at the ACC Service Center [Mr. Neil Vickers] 2022-68 Authorize the Negotiation and Execution of a Contract for the Plenum Roof and Wall Replacement for Condensation Issues at the Highland Campus (HLC) 4000 [Mr. Neil Vickers] 2022-69 Authorize the Execution of a Contract Amendment for an Online Tutoring Services Platform [Mr. Neil Vickers] 2022-70 Authorize the Negotiation and Execution of a Contract for the Parking Garage Exterior Coating Repairs at Rio Grande Campus (RGC)[Mr. Neil Vickers] 2022-72 Updates to TASB Policies: • CIA(Local) Equipment and Supplies Management: Records Management • CJ(Local) Transportation Management • DHA(Local) Employee Standards of Conduct: Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing • DHB(Local) Employee Standards of Conduct: Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting • EDA(Local) Instructional Resources: Instructional Materials • Delete Policy DHC (Local)[Mr. Neil Vickers]
Institutional Effectiveness Reports for Discussion and Possible Action 2022-73 Report on Student Onboarding and Commissioning Enrollment Consultant [Dr. Shasta Buchanan] [See video for item 2022-74] |
IX |
Discussion/Possible Action (Contiuned) 2022-74 Authorize the Negotiation and Execution of a Contract for Student Onboarding Consulting Services [Mr. Neil Vickers, Dr. Shasta Buchanan]
2022-75 FY 2023 Budget Study (Continued) [Mr. Neil Vickers]
X |
Executive Session The Board may go into executive session to deliberate on any item specifically listed on this agenda under the Open Meeting Act based on the following potential exceptions under the Act: Consultation with legal counsel regarding pending or contemplated litigation, or a settlement offer; or on any non-litigation matter on which the Board seeks or needs to receive legal advice, pursuant to Government Code §551.071; the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property pursuant to Government Code §551.072; relating to deliberations regarding a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation pursuant to Government Code §551.073; and/or relating to personnel matters pursuant to Government Code §551.074. 2022-76 Discussion of Future General Obligation Bonds[Mr. Neil Vickers] 2022-77 Real Estate Update [Mr. Neil Vickers] |
XI |
Board Members Closing Comments
Adjournment |