Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
Agenda November 1, 2021
I |
Call to Order Recognitions and Achievements Check Presentation from American Constructors/Buie and Co. for the Riverbat Paddle Battle [Ms. Amy Bawcom] Student Scholarship Recognition [Ms. Amy Bawcom] ACC Police Life Saving Award to Officer Nathaniel Hellman [Chief Lynn Dixon] Retiree Recognition [Dr. Richard Rhodes]
II |
Community Partners Presentation Discussion Austin Voices for Education and Youth [Mr. Allen Weeks]
Citizens Communication for Items on the Agenda Citizens Communication for Items Not on the Agenda [None] |
IV |
Reports from College Sanctioned Associations and their Representatives Adjunct Faculty Association [Mr. Don Morris] Classified Employees Association [Mr. Matthew Campbell] Full-Time Faculty Senate [Dr. Samantha Croft] Association of Professional-Technical Employees [Ms. Samantha Ackers]
V |
Chancellor’s Remarks and Updates [Dr. Richard Rhodes]
VI |
Approval of Minutes 22021-40 Minutes of the October 4, 2021 Regular Meeting of the ACC Board of Trustees
Consent Items 22021-41 Approval of Resolution approving the Preliminary Official Statement in connection with the Austin Community College District Public Facility Austin, Texas Corporation Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds, Taxable Series 2021 (Round Rock Campus Refunding) [Mr. Neil Vickers] 2021-42 Authorize the Negotiation and Execution of Contracts for the Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing (TAB) Services for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems, Indefinite Quantity Indefinite Delivery (IDIQ), for the Austin Community College District’s (ACC’s) new construction, renovations, facility condition assessments, planning, and site-related projects [Mr. Neil Vickers] 2021-43 Authorize the Negotiation and Execution of a Contract for the Geotechnical and Material Testing Engineering Services Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) for the Austin Community College District’s (ACC’s) renovation, remodeling and retrofit projects [Mr. Neil Vickers]
Institutional Effectiveness Reports for Discussion and Possible Action 2021-44 Chancellor’s Priorities 1 and 6 [Dr. Mary Harris, Mr. Larry Davis, Dr. Khayree Williams, Dr. Shasta Buchanan, Ms. Geraldine Tucker, Dr. Molly Beth Malcolm]
IX |
Board Members Closing Comments
X |
Adjournment |