Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
Agenda October 5, 2020
Call to Order Citizen’s Communication for Items on This Agenda Citizen's Communication for Items Not on This Agenda
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Reports from Associations Adjunct Faculty Association [Mr. Don Morris] Classified Employee Association [Mr. Miguel DeLeon] Full-Time Faculty Senate [Dr. Wayne Butler] Association of Professional-Technical Employees [Dr. Lauren Sebel]
Chancellor’s Remarks and Updates [Dr. Richard Rhodes]
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Consent Agenda Items 9923 Board Action to Authorize the Board Chair to Execute the Attached Tax Resale Deeds [Mr. Neil Vickers] 9924 Authorize the Negotiation and Execution of a Contract for the Austin Community College District (ACC) for the ACC Highland Campus (HLC) Technical Lighting Equipment, Fixtures, and Accessories [Mr. Neil Vickers]
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Institutional Effectiveness Reports for Discussion and Possible Action Austin Community College District Police Department Officers’ Commendations, Innovative Training, Awards, and Promotions Report [Dr. Molly Beth Malcolm, Chief Lynn Dixon]
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Discussion/Possible Action Implementation of an Equity Council [Dr. Charles Cook, Mr. Larry Davis, Dr. Khayree Williams]
Discussion of the ACC Fast Track Program [Dr. Charles Cook]
9925 Proposed Approval of “Order Authorizing the Issuance of not to Exceed $60,000,000 Austin Community College District Limited Tax Refunding Bonds, Taxable Series 2020, Entering into an Escrow Agreement, Establishing Parameters for the Sale of the Bonds and Authorizing the Chancellor and/or the Executive Vice President, Finance and Administration, to Enter into a Bond Purchase Agreement and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, and Authorizing and Approving Other Matters Related Thereto.”[Mr. David Mendez, Mr. Neil Vickers]
Board Members Closing Comments
Adjournment |