Board Meeting
Regular Board Meeting Agenda December 7, 2015
Call to Order |
Executive Session Consultation with legal counsel regarding items listed on the agenda relating to pending or contemplated litigation, or a settlement offer, or on any non-litigation matter on which the Board seeks or needs to receive legal advice, pursuant to Government Code §551.071; the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property pursuant to Government Code §551.072; relating to deliberations regarding a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation pursuant to Government Code §551.073; and/or relating to personnel matters pursuant to Government Code §551.074. |
Discussion/Possible Action 9354 -Authorize The President to Execute Amended and Restated Declarations Relating to Green Space at Highland [Mr. Cobby Caputo]
Moment of Reflection and Pledge of Allegiance |
Recognitions and Achievements Retiree Recognition [Dr. Richard Rhodes and Ms. Gerry Tucker] NAACP Austin Branch Award [Dr. Richard Rhodes]
Reports from Associations: Adjunct Faculty Association [Mr. Mario Aguilar] Classified Employees Associatio [Mr. Cameron Keel] Full-Time Faculty Senate [Dr. Mariano Diaz-Miranda] Association of Professional-Technical Employees [Dr. Melissa Biegert] Student Government Association [Ms. Alison Judice]
Reports from the Board Officers [Dr. Victor Villarreal, Mr. Allen Kaplan and Dr. Barbara Mink]
President’s Administrative Report [Dr. Richard Rhodes]
Reports to the Board Financial Report –October 2015 [Mr. Neil Vickers] Alumni Update [Dr. Molly Beth Malcolm] Sustainable Practices Report Board Policy C-9 [Dr. Ben Ferrell and Mr. Andy Kim]
Consent Item 9351 -Minutes of the November 2, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Austin Community College District Board of Trustees 9352 -Board Action to Authorize the Board Chair to Execute the Attached Resale Deeds [Mr. Cobby Caputo]
Discussion/Possible Action: 9353 -CMR Selection for Round Rock Phase II [Mr. Neil Vickers]
Adjournment |