Board Meeting
Board Retreat August 22-23, 2014
I. |
Call to Order |
II. |
Items for Discussion/Possible Action August 22, 2014 9178 -Highland Redevelopment Update - Property Owners Association Governance Documents - P3 Update and Discussion of Project Timeline - Discussion of Street Names - Authorize Administration to Sign Documents to be Submitted to City of Austin to Complete Phase 1 and The P3 Project [Mr. Ben Ferrell, Mr. Neil Vickers, Mr. Matt Whelan, Mr. Cobby Caputo] 9179-Legislative Priorities and 85th Legislative Session Update [Dr. Vic Villarreal] 9180-Trustee Election Law Training [Mr. David Mendez, Mr. Cobby Caputo] 9181-General Obligation Bonds Oversight Committee Discussion [Mr. Ben Ferrell] 9182-Proposed 2014 Property Tax Rate; 2014 Property Tax Rate Planning Calendar; and Schedule Two Public Hearings for Proposed 2014 Property Tax Rate [Mr. Neil Vickers]
August 23, 2014 9183- Executive Session – Evaluation of President and 2015 Goals[Board of Trustees] 9184- Executive Session – Evaluation of President and 2015 Goals [Board of Trustees, Dr. Richard M. Rhodes]
IV. |
Executive Session
Consultation with legal counsel regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property pursuant to Government Code §551.072; pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer pursuant to Government Code §551.071; and/or relating to personnel matters pursuant to Government Code §551.074 |
V. |
VII. |
The Board will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel to discuss matters of land acquisition, litigation, and personnel matters as specifically listed on this agenda. The Board of Trustees may also announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, to receive advice from Legal Counsel regarding any item on this agenda. |