Board Meeting
Regular Board Meeting Agenda June 3, 2013
I. |
Call to Order |
II. |
Recognitions All-USA Community College Academic Team [Ms. Mary Kohls] Texas Academic Team and Coca-Cola Scholarship Winners [Ms. Mary Kohls] Phi Theta Kappa’s Annual Report [Ms. Holly Carrico] Austin Chamber/ACC Progress Towards Excellence 2013 Report [Mr. Tony Budet]
III. |
Citizen's Communication
IV. |
Report from Associations
Adjunct Faculty Association [Ms. Anaka Rivera]
V. |
President's Administrative Report [Dr. Richard Rhodes]
VI. |
Reports to the Board Financial Report – April 2013 [Mr. Neil Vickers] Student Success Initiative Report [Dr. Stephanie Hawley] Highland Mall Development Plans [Dr. Richard Rhodes, Mr. Ben Ferrell, Mr. Bill Mullane, Mr. Cobby Caputo and Mr. Matt Whelan (Red Leaf Properties)]
VII. |
Consent Item(s) Minutes of the April 1, 2013 Work Session; April 1, 2013 Regular Meeting; April 15, 2013 Regular Meeting and May 6, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Austin Community College District Board of Trustees
Discussion/Possible Action:
9061 -Renewal of Lockhart ISD Interlocal Agreement-Career and Technical Education Program [Mr. Mike Midgley]
9062 -Renewal of Austin ISD Interlocal Agreement-Early College High Schools [Mr. Mike Midgley]
9063 -Legislative Priorities and 83rd Legislative Session Update [Dr. Richard Rhodes, Ms. Linda Young]
9064 -FY2014 Budget Study [Mr. Neil Vickers]
9065 -Deliberate the possible Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property or Real Property Interests in the ACC taxing district boundaries [Mr. Ben Ferrell]
9066 -Discussion of Legal Issues Regarding Board Bylaws and Operations [Mr. Cobby Caputo]
IX. |
Executive Session
Consultation with legal counsel regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property pursuant to Government Code §551.072; pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer pursuant to Government Code §551.071; and/or relating to personnel matters, including the ACC Board of Trustees Self-Evaluation, pursuant to Government Code §551.074. The Board may go into executive session to deliberate regarding real property, prospective gifts, personnel matters, and security devices as specifically listed on this agenda. The Board of Trustees may also announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, to receive advice from Legal Counsel regarding any item on this agenda. |
X. |
.Reconvene |
XI. |
No Announcements |
XII. |
Copies of the official agenda are filed with the County Clerks of Hays, Travis, and Williamson Counties, and a copy posted in the main entrance foyer of ACC=s Highland Business Center, 5930 Middle Fiskville Road, Austin, Texas. |